27 April 2011

Well Here We Are Again

Helloooo and good night!  I had a great day today, and I just wanted to make a quick update.  Today is Administrative Professionals Day, and my bosses got me a really nice gift!!  A bottle of 7 Deadly Zins and movie theatre gift cards!!  W00t!  Now we get to go see Thor!  At midnight?!  .../Maybe???..  ..... I think so!

I stayed up wayyyy too late last night finishing Portal 2/../  wait.., that was last night, right??  Ok.  It was INCREDIBLE.  The story is just fantastic.  Please, please, please play it so we can share in the glory of the awesomeness that is Portal 2!!!  Wish I had time to start the co-op right now with Mr. Onion, but, alas, I do not.

I FINALLY got my hair done tonight, and I think I just might love it!!  Did I already mention that I'm trying to go back to my natural color?  Well I am.  Gosh, this is weird... I feel like a different person right now.  Yikes!!  Ok.  Extreme.  Tiredness.  Intensifying.  With.  Every  Passing.  Moment.


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