25 April 2011

2 Atoms In A Molecule

Annnd...., we're BACK!!  Big Bear was awesome, but after such a busy week we are exhausted!  We got up Saturday morning and packed up the car to leave for Big Bear.  Met up with my family at my parents' house, and we all took off from there.  The drive went fine up until we had to climb the mountains.  The 330 was closed, so we had to take the long way around.  Matt & I ended up going a different way from my parents.  We ran into some intense fog.  It was one of the most frightening experiences I've ever had driving.  At some points I couldn't see more than 20-30 feet in front of me.  It didn't help that the lines marking the lanes on the road were faded for a good portion of the drive, so I was constantly fearing that someone coming in the opposite direction would veer into my lane....// or that I would drive right out of my lane and go sailing off the cliffs.  Haha, no really.  The thought definitely crossed my mind.

Somehow we made it through all that.  We came out of the fog as we caught our first sight of the lake.  It was GORGEOUS!!!  The last short leg of the drive was really beautiful.  We pulled into the resort parking lot and took some photos&videos while we waited for the rest of my family to arrive.  Once they got there, we all got settled in to our place.  From where we were staying we could walk right down to the lake, so everyone went for a nice walk.  Afterward, we climbed into the car and went downtown to walk around and look in the shops. We all got excited when we saw the candy shop with delicious fudge inside.../..  We just had to have some.  Not the best store to go in when you haven't had dinner yet!!

The view from our room.

Back at the resort, Matt, Mom & I started getting dinner ready.  Matt made his specialty, pad thai and he stir fried some veggies too.  Everything tasted great!  Ally made little bird nest desserts, which were super tasty too!!  After dinner, we were all ready to settle down.  We played a HILARIOUS game of Catch Phrase, and shortly after that we went to bed.

Everyone had trouble sleeping in the uncomfortable beds, and it got worse when a car alarm in the parking lot kept going off.  It lasted a couple of hours.  So terrible.  In the morning, we drove to Boulder Bay Park and shot some more photos.  It was so nice and sunny out while we were taking pictures, and we must have been lucky because once we got back in the car the clouds rolled out over the lake, and the sun disappeared.

Matt & I made some yummy brunch.../special eggs w/rice, green onions, mirin, etc, and we added sausage.  I made rice waffles for everyone and then improvised and discovered a new favorite!  Matcha green tea rice waffles.  They were fantastic!!  At least I thought so....  We did a little more shopping downtown, and then it was time for Matt, Ally & I to head home.  We had a similar problem with the fog on the way down the mountains, but we made it home in pretty good time.  I'm happy that we were able to make the trip up there.  It was a really unique and fun way to spend Easter.

On Friday I got to call up one of the girls that we interviewed at work and offer her a job!!  It was really fun to get to do that, as I know how hard it is to get a job right now, and a job offer is an exciting thing the receive!  Today was Ashlee's first day on the job, so I spent a good part of the day training her.  She's really cool, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.  When I came home, Matt had Kristine come over to shoot a little more footage with me.  Then Matt & I went out to Kinaly Thai... Mmmm!!!!!//  Amazing food!  We cooked some miso soup and hard boiled eggs for the week when we got home, and now we're just hanging out.  I think that David Klicka is on his way over now!  It will be good to see him.

Well, there's a monster update for you.  What did everyone else do for Easter?  I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  I'm getting close to finishing Portal 2, so I'm going to wrap this up so that I have more time to play tonight!!  Busy busy again this week, but it feels good to be doing so many interesting things.


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