Today felt completely surreal. No idea why. Maybe these dramatic changes in the weather are messing with my head.. /Wasn't it nice this weekend though?
I finished Twilight Princess on Friday night../. AMAZAZING. Oh my, it's so good!! I'm just bummed that it's over. I started Wind Waker on Saturday. Love it too! It's so adorable!! I'm already through the first couple dungeons.
On Saturday, my Mom came over, and Matt & I went shopping with her at Chai & fresh&easy. We are going to Big Bear for Easter. Matt is going to make pad thai for dinner while we're up there, so we were shopping to get ready for all that. After shopping, we had a nice lunch with her at Money Pit. Met with Nikki later that afternoon to discuss her grad announcements. I'm so glad I get to design them for her!! Can't wait to get started.
Oh yes, the whole.. "hair thing"..// I called a hair stylist Friday night when I got home. Went to see her for a consultation today, and now I have an appointment set for the 27th. So I will finally get it done. I feel the sudden urge to knock on wood for some reason/.. Wish I could have fit it in before Easter, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be...
More on video games.... /Portal 2 just got released a few minutes ago!!!!!!!! We are downloading it out on the living room computer to check it out at least a little tonight. We won't be able to play until tomorrow night, as far as I can tell. So excited!!!!!
That's all for now!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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