13 April 2011

Oh, What Can You Do With A Sentimental Heart?

Man, this week is just zipping by..../  I can hardly keep up.  And somehow, I'm not tired..... ..yet.  About an hour after I woke up this morning I felt like I had just downed a few shots of espresso, but I actually hadn't had anything.  What the... ?

On Friday I am getting my hair done!!  For reals this time, I promise (I think).  Hoping for the best with that.

Stacy&Kyle got back from their trip a few days ago.  I met up with Stacy yesterday for coffee, and she brought me a couple of macaroons (one for Matt) straight from Paris, France!!!  I had the raspberry one and saved the chocolate for Matt (although he let me have a bite).  They were delicious!!  The perfect, light little treat for a spring afternoon.  Oh, but here I go talking about food (<3) again...//  It was really nice to catch up with Stacy and hear all about her trip.  Sounds like it was unbelievable - the trip of a lifetime!!

That is all for now.  Just a quick blip.  I'm still around..../.


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