28 April 2011

Robot Amputee

So on Thursdays I normally think of things throughout the day to post here for Three Things Thursday.  The problem is that by the time I get a chance to write my blog I forget what I was going to share..../  BUT today I wrote them down!!!  Genius!  Time for sharing..//... .

01: Borg Implants

HELLO, this is one of the greatest things I own!!!  It is a cosplay implant that I was lucky enough to find and purchase on eBay.  Now I just need the body that looks good in that bodysuit that Seven wears (and the bodysuit itself), and I've got a complete costume.  Wouldn't that be fun to do for Halloween or a convention???!  I'm going to try.  Last year I was planning on dressing as B'elanna Torres for Halloween.  I found someone who can make me the Klingon ridges, and I also found a cosplay website where you can order the Voyager Engineering uniform, but as it turned out I couldn't afford to go through with getting the costume at the time.  I WILL do it someday though!!

02: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows Part II

HOLY.... SHUT the front DOOR!!!!!!  I'm working on a plan to stay awake for the midnight showing this time.  Why do we have to wait until July??!/..  That seems so far away right now.  We also bought Part I on bluray today.  We were surprised...//.  It was only 20 bucks!

03: Shemaghs!!

Klicka came to visit on Monday, and he sold me a couple of Arab shemaghs.  They're so pretty!!  Thank you, Mr. Klicka!!!  I love them.  <3

Time to go relax and play Portal 2 with my husband!!  Happy One-Month of Blogging to me!


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