09 December 2011

under wings of gold & silver

"we are no more than candles burning in the wind."
-japanese proverb


so as of wednesday, i have finally seen all 3 of the austin powers movies... & i believe what i told matt is how i can't believe i missed out on these movies for so long!!  they are so hilarious!!  why didn't anyone make me watch them, ya know, when they were new?  anyway, if you catch me quoting austin powers...// well, don't be surprised because it's all new to me, baby.

here are some groovy links that i've been digging.

familiar with the bokeh effect that seems to be becoming so popular recently [the photo above is an example]?  well if you're looking to have a little fun with that yourself & you aren't too savvy with a dslr, here is a simple photoshop tutorial to apply the effect to your own photos.  tested & approved.

& for those who are good with a camera, here is another bokeh tutorial to get cute little hearts for your effect.

i think i owned every single thing on this list of nostalgic stocking stuffers for '90s girls.  although, i don't think i'd care to find any of them in my stocking now..

looking to have a break from all the holiday junk food and simultaneously do something nice for your skin [& mind & body in general]?  here are 7 foods to combat the winter dull.  yum!!  feel good food.

don't get tricked into eating things that aren't actually as healthy as they'd like you to believe: 5 foods you thought were healthy but aren't.

here are 5 doctors from history who put house to shame from cracked.com.....  amazing, but house is still my favorite.

NASA has found an earth-like planet that may be capable of supporting human life!!  awesome!!

these photos of fall colors from japan are breath-taking.  as are these photos of wisterias in kawachi fuji garden in japan.

& because christmas is just a couple of weeks away now, here is another cracked.com article of unintentionally disturbing christmas ads that's worth a few laughs.

as a very special gift, i also got you this cute.



06 December 2011

illumination: winter white sangria

"i find it hard to believe you don't know the beauty you are. but if you don't, let me be your eyes."
-velvet underground


i can't wait to make this!!  seems like the perfect little addition to our christmas celebration.  and can you believe i have a sangria set that i got two years ago that has never been used?!  for shame!!  i love sangria.  the sangria set needs some love.  i feel like maybe i should test out this recipe for myself before i serve it to guests on christmas day..  yes?

White Sangria with Pomegranate:

1 bottle white wine
3 cans 7up or Sprite
Grand Marnier (I didn’t measure, a few ounces I think)
Seeds of 1 pomegranate
Slices of two limes

Pour all ingredients into a punch bowl. Wait for the seeds to float.



02 December 2011

that melody i love

"no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."


matt & i had a kick-ass thanksgiving up in dana point!!  seriously such a good time.  the next day, i pulled out the christmas decorations.  i love it.  i think my favorite part about decorating this time of year is the lights.  they are so beautiful.  i wish we had more to put up in our house!!  this week i finally received my romantic star projector in the mail... i had no idea that it would be quite the little project to put together [i guess i totally diregarded the "DIY" part], but i think that when i get it done it will really set the mood.

i'm not usually real big on listening to the classic christmas tunes... but i put together a little playlist of what i do like, and what i'm listening to lately to get in the spirit.  i hope you enjoy it!!

24 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: stars & clouds

"nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart."


happy thanksgiving!!  we're off to dana point.  have a wonderful day full of food, family & friends!!


the interwebs.  please support net neutrality so that we can continue to enjoy the internet the way that we do now.


on my wish list:
snow.  wouldn't that be beautiful.

what i wish for others:
a joy-filled day & sweet dreams of upcoming holidays & the new year.


for family & being together.


22 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: what does the future hold

"when the bold branches bid farewell to rainbow leaves - welcome wool sweaters."


we're going to see jay & silent bob get old at the belly up tonight with armand & nikki!!  i'm so excited.  it should be really fun.  love kevin smith & jason mewes!!

matt & i picked up the legend of zelda: skyward sword first thing sunday morning, and i have been watching while matt plays through it.  it is so gorgeous!!  omg.. i am in love with all of the art, characters, & story.  totally thrilling.  we were just disappointed that there wasn't more hype about the game release.  fantastic game + 25th anniversary of zelda = no one cares?!  really??  anyway, zelda seems to have really stepped it up in this game...  she doesn't seem like so much of a helpless princess, which i appreciate because i enjoy strong female characters.

two days until thanksgiving....  is all of your shopping done?


our little family.  our kitty-babies.  & miss our little tobi.


on my wish list:
bangles & other jewelry from tinyarmour.  so pretty.

what i wish for others:
"go for it now.  the future is promised to no one."  -wayne dyer


for all of life's comforts, which i too often take for granted.


21 November 2011

seeds & buds: cranberry orange relish

"a shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all."
-carl jung


mmm... thanksgiving is so close now, i can taste it!!  on friday, i started gathering ingredients for my [small, yet important] contribution to thanksgiving dinner.  we bought a bag of 3lbs. of cranberries...  and while i only need 1lb. for my recipe, it was probably still less expensive than buying only 1lb. at a grocery store.  i am actively seeking recipes for cocktails & other treats that call for fresh cranberries, so if you have any ideas, please help!!  not sure what the hell i'm going to do with and extra 2lbs. of cranberries..

it seems like everyone has a different preference when it comes to their cranberries...  this recipe is one that i tried for the first time last year, and i found that matt & i both love it.  it's great spread on your turkey!!  this is not the exact recipe that i use, but it is close enough.  very simple, the way i like 'em.

1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
1 orange
1 cup sugar

Put washed, drained cranberries in a food processor with 1 orange which has been peeled and quartered with all seeds being removed.  Pulse for a few seconds, just until coarsely chopped. Stop and scrape down sides of bowl, if necessary, to chop evenly.  Add 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar and taste adjusting sweetness as desired.  Stir well and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Cranberry Orange Relish may be frozen for up to 2 months.  Makes about 2 1/2 cups.

[source]:  fresh cranberry orange relish from cooks.com


17 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: to hold you now

"to lead a better life, i need my love to be here."
-the beatles


i miss baking!!  which is why i am so excited that my friend is coming over on saturday to do a little baking with me!!  there have been so many times that i've thought about whipping something tasty up, but every time i decide against it... because if i make it, then i'll eat it.  & i'll probably eat too much of it.  & then i'll feel like a fatso.  SO now i have an excuse to bake, spend time with my friend, and share whatever treat we make with the boys, leaving less for me to stuff my face with.  win, win, win.


music & all the ways that it affects us & connects us.


on my wishlist:
a day to relax, catch up, & just breathe.  a spa day.  maybe more sleep too.  i like sleep.

what i wish for others:
to have a spirit of kindness, generosity, & love.


for good health.  of the body & of the mind.


15 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: domino motion

"gratitude: it turns what we have into enough."


i just got my invite to pinterest a few days ago, so over the past few days i've been discovering how fun it is!!  it's a great place to organize things & ideas that i find on the interwebs...  i probably went a little crazy pinning things to my boards..  hah.

yesterday i got an email inviting me to the diablo III beta!!  i only got to play a little last night, so today i'm antsy to get back to it.  so far.... vomiting zombies: nasty.  my sexy demon hunter shooting them: beautiful.

[unwin thanksgiving dinner 11.25.11]

preparing holiday food & entertaining guests.  & just food in general.


on my wish list:
origami peace crane ornaments by localcolorist on etsy.  i'd love to see if i can make some of these on my own as well.

what i wish for others:
fun!!  don't hold back from allowing yourself to enjoy life.


for friends who care about us & love spending time with us.


11 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: whispering from the westerlies

"music is a higher revelation than philosophy."
-ludwig van beethoven


i would be lying if i said that we haven't had our thanksgiving plans figured out for months now...  it seems for us, that everything goes a lot more smoothly if we discuss plans & expectations wayyy in advance.  last year was the first time that matt & i hosted thanksgiving at our house, and it went really well!!  this year, my sister is in england, and my parents are going on a trip to see other family during thanksgiving.  so matt & i will be participating in his family tradition -heading up to dana point to share the holiday with some family friends.  they are a great people, and we always enjoy spending time with them.  i am looking forward to it!!  plus, we get to have a second thanksgiving dinner with my parents when they're back in town.  score!!

what are your thanksgiving plans?


the wonderful, resonant stories that are told through video games, specifically the legend of zelda games.  i just finished the wind waker for the first time this week, and it is absolutely brilliant.


on my wish list:
the anywhere but here lithograph by lights.  i know, i know... i can't shut up about lights lately.  but it would rock to have this hanging up in our house.

what i wish for others:
family & loved ones to share your time with.


for a roof over our heads.  & for all the things that make it our home.


10 November 2011

where we'll shine: oreo turkeys

"a good memory is one that can remember the day's blessings and forget the day's troubles."


i came across these on pinterest & thought they were just too cute!!  i think i may make these to share.  i'm sure you can find all of this candy fairly cheap now that halloween has passed...

Double Stuff Oreo Cookies
Candy Corn
Peanutbutter Cups
Chocolate frosting
Yellow Frosting
Optional: Red frosting
Optional: black sprinkles for eyes

First step:  Grab a cookie.  You don’t have to put frosting in there, but I like to because it holds in the candy corn a little better. Just give it a little squeeze of chocolate.

Then stuff in your candycorn.  If you’re in some sort of candy corn shortage, you can cut off the white tips to use later for your beaks.  I think the candy corn sticks in better with the tip so I leave it on.  Go ahead and do all of the cookies through this step.

Next put a dab of frosting on the opposite end of the cookie and secure it to the “base” cookie.  It helps to place them next to a wall as they dry so they stay put.

While those are drying, unwrap your PB cups.  Take a sharp knife and cut a sliver off of one end.  (I don’t need to tell you what to do with the sliver, do I?)  It helps to gently cut in a sawing motion so you don’t break the PB cup.  (Although I wouldn’t have to tell you what to do with a broken one either, would I?)  Cut it from the bottom like I show here:

Once those are ready, flip your cookies over, but you may find it’s easy to keep them next to the wall.  My frosting was a bit soft, so they needed the extra support.

Place a dab of frosting on the pb cup, and place it on the cookie like so:

Now those little guys will need heads, so glue a whopper on there with frosting as well. I put frosting on the side of the whopper that hits both the cookie and the PB cup.  Wouldn’t want a turkey running around with its head cut off, would we??

While they’re still laying there, use a dab of frosting (I use yellow) and glue on the white tip of a candy corn for a beak.  Put two yellow dots on for eyes, and for the black spots in the eyes you can use a dab of chocolate frosting, or a mini chocolate chip, or a little sprinkle like I’ve used.  A sprinkle is really the perfect size if you have them.

Once the beak stays put you can flip them over and draw on some little yellow feet.  If you have red frosting too (usually comes in a set with the tube of yellow) you can add a little gobble gobble. Or whatever that thing is called.  What is it called?  I’m too lazy to google.  Extra giveaway entry for the first person who can tell me.  Okay not really but I’ll think you’re awesome.

And there you go, cute as can be!


08 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: you're not close enough

"be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need."
-sarah ban breathnach

[lucysnowephotography via etsy]

the concert was more amazing than we could have hoped!!  lights is so incredibly talented!!  we were tempted to drop everything & go up to see her a second time in l.a. on monday, but decided against it... only because we didn't want to be irresponsible.  but seriously..  if you have a chance to catch her on the siberia tour, do it!!

today i'm sharing!!  in light of the upcoming holidays, i thought it would be interesting to do this little, random series of things i love, things i wish, & things i am thankful for.


when the weather starts cooling down and i start pulling out sweaters & scarves & coats & boots...  i love getting all bundled up and feeling the chill in the air outside.


on the top of my wish list:
a vacation to japan with my husband.  & a lot of time spent in tokyo.

what i wish for others:
relaxation & peace.  we're heading into a stressful time of the year.

for my husband & for our marriage.  he is everything to me.


03 November 2011


“honestly, if you don’t fit in, then you’re probably doing the right thing.”

[via mindequalsblown]

today i'd like to share one of my favorite music artists and also a person who i have a lot of respect for.  lights, or valerie poxleitner, is an electronic pop musician from canada.  at a young age she began writing and playing her own music as she traveled the world with her missionary parents.  at 18, she moved out on her own in toronto and legally changed her name to lights.  she started out composing music for others, but eventually released her own album: the listening.  last month she released her second album: siberia.  both albums are stellar, although significantly different from one another as her style has evolved.

i first discovered her music when matt had me watch a couple of her music videos on youtube last year.  i was hooked after watching second go.  i just love, not only her music, but her quirky personality, crazy-awesome talent, and outlook on life that i have a lot of respect for.  she has also done some super sweet paintings.

matt & i are going to see her in concert tomorrow night in san diego.  we are both so excited to finally have the opportunity to see her live, and we've been listening to her albums without cease during the past few weeks.

check out her music & let me know what you think!!


26 October 2011

carrot cranberry cake with orange cream cheese frosting

"vegetables are a must on a diet.  i suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie."
-jim davis

[via gingerbread bagels]

mmmm...  here's another one from gingerbread bagels!!  this looks so good!!  it reminds me of the cranberry-orange dish that i make for thanksgiving.  what a perfect fall treat.  oh, and what is that??  cream cheese in the frosting?!  oh my...

For the Cake:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
2 cups sugar
1 cups buttermilk, at room temperature
1/2 cup canola oil
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups shredded carrots
1 (8 ounce) can of crushed pineapple, drained well
2/3 cup dried cranberries – tossed with 1 Tablespoon all purpose flour
1/2 cup unsalted walnuts, chopped

For the Frosting:
3 cups powdered sugar
8 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 teaspoons orange juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon orange zest

Chopped unsalted walnuts, for topping.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Sift together the flour, baking soda, kosher salt, cinnamon, allspice, ginger and nutmeg. Set aside.

Grate 2 cups of carrots. (I typically use a food processor with the shredding disc blade but you can do this by hand)
Drain the crushed pineapple really well. (I put the pineapple in a strainer and press the juice out with my hands.)
Toss the cranberries with 1 Tablespoon of flour.
And measure out the chopped walnuts.
Set the shredded carrots, crushed pineapple, cranberries and walnuts aside.

In a bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, mix together the sugar, buttermilk, canola oil, eggs and vanilla extract on medium speed until completely combined.

Slowly add in the dry ingredients on low speed. Mix until just combined.
Take a spatula and fold the ingredients together.

Add in the shredded carrots, crushed pineapple, cranberries and walnuts. Fold them in.

Pour the cake batter into a lightly greased 9 by 13 inch baking pan. Spread the batter out evenly.
Bake the cake at 350 degrees F for 25-28 minutes.

Cool the cake completely on a cooling rack. While the cake is cooling, make the orange cream cheese frosting.

Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl and set aside.

In a bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, mix together the cream cheese and butter on medium speed until smooth for about 2 minutes. Do not over mix.
Add in the orange juice, vanilla extract and orange zest. Mix.

Slowly add in the powdered sugar on low speed until combined. Then increase the speed to medium and mix for about 2 minutes.

Spread the frosting onto the cooled cake. If you like, top the cake with chopped walnuts.
Cut into pieces and enjoy!

25 October 2011

i sense there's something in the wind

“pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite,
all are on their rounds tonight;
in the wan moon's silver ray,
thrives their helter-skelter play.”
-joel benton

[raceytay via etsy]

halloween is only a week away now!!  i'm sure everyone is finalizing fun plans for parties, etc.  as for matt & me, we will be spending the day celebrating our 2nd anniversary [& you can be sure there will be tons of delicious food involved]!!  i won't have use for these this year, but here are a few fun adult [as in alcoholic] halloween party goodies +plus some other fun stuff:

who knew tonic was so awesome & could be used to make glowing drinks?!.... as long as you have a black light.

be careful, the drunken gummies might take you down with them.

kah sells their tequila in these awesome skull bottles, which i love!!  totally dia de los muertos-esque.  i may be picking up a couple of the smaller ones.  on that note, crystal head vodka is sold in a.... yep!  crystal head bottle!!

here's a sweet idea for a trick-or-treat minicure.

these halloween candies will completely ruin your appetite.  i love candy, but i can't imagine putting this stuff in my mouth.  like.  ever.

if you still haven't brought home a pumpkin [like me] [fail] and you have a fresh&easy near you, their pumpkins are decent-sized and cost $6 for 2!!

also, fresh&easy makes pumpkin pie cheesecakes as a seasonal dessert... matt & i got one for thanksgiving last year, and it was to-die-for [no pun intended].  we have been checking every week to see if they have them in yet, but so far no dice.  i can't believe they don't have them yet!!  i need to feed my craving!!

have a swankified, scrumdiddlyumptious week!!


20 October 2011

this is halloween: candy bark s'mores

"after eating chocolate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice lovers."
-emily luchetti

[via gingerbread bagels]

today is national recipe day, which is why i want to share with you this awesome-tacular recipe that i just discovered and now desperately want to try.  if you know me, you know that i love candy & chocolate & marshmallows & halloween [after all... i was married on halloween], and so why not put them all together into one glorious recipe?!!  i have the recipe here, but i will recommend following or at least reading the blog post and directions of the creator of this wonderful little treat.  it is a fantastic blog that i came across today on my quest for yummy things.  i am a sucker for food blogs, and this girl speaks my language.  can i have some now?  is it ready yet??

1/2 cup Halloween Oreos, chopped
1/4 cup candy corn
1/4 cup Halloween Kit Kats, chopped
1/4 cup Fall colored Peanut Butter M&Ms
8 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips (I recommend Guittard or Ghiradelli semi sweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. I don’t recommend Nestle, it doesn’t dry very well and will still be soft the next day.)
8 ounces milk chocolate chips
4 ounces orange candy melts

20 graham cracker sheets
20 marshmallows

First make the candy bark:
Chop the Halloween Oreos and measure out 1/2 cup. Chop the Halloween Kit Kats and measure out 1/4 cup. Measure out the candy corn and the M&Ms. Set the candy aside.

Place a large piece of parchment paper down on the counter.

In a large microwavable bowl, melt the semi sweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips together.
Pour the melted chocolate onto the parchment paper. Spread it out into a 9 by 12 inch rectangle with a spatula.

Melt the orange candy melts in a small microwavable bowl.
Place drops of the melted candy in rows of three.
Using a knife, swirl the chocolate down and up and then back and forth.
I always go back and swirl the chocolate in different places where there aren’t many swirls.

Place the candy and cookies on top of the melted chocolate. Let the candy bark dry for at least 4 hours.

Once the candy bark has dried, chop it into about 20 pieces. Set the candy bark pieces aside.

For the s’mores:
These are the directions to make 20 s’mores at a time. Feel free to do however many you want at a time.

Break the 20 graham cracker sheets in half.
Place a piece of candy bark on 20 of the graham cracker pieces.

Take a baking sheet and line it with foil. Spray the foil with non stick spray.
Place the marshmallows on top of the foil. Put the baking sheet under the broiler until the marshmallows are toasted.

Put a toasted marshmallow on top of each candy bark piece.

Take the other graham cracker pieces and press them on top of the toasted marshmallows.


[source]:  halloween candy bark s'mores from gingerbread bagels


14 October 2011

i'm waiting for my moment

“a girl should be two things: classy & fabulous.”
-coco chanel

[rollercoasterflight via flickr]

I'm gearing up for the weekend and our neighborhood garage sale tomorrow morning!!  You know what that means... donuts & making money (a lot we hope)!!

In the spirit of the season, here are some Halloween costume ideas from celebrities.  Fun to see them dressed up!!

InStyle Costume Ideas

BuzzSugar Pop Culture Costumes

Here are a few other costume ideas that I thought were creative.


Little Miss Sunshine

Lieutenant Uhura

And here's one I couldn't resist sharing.... Sarah Michelle Gellar's little girl as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz last Halloween.

[via celebritybabyscoop]

One of my biggest pet peeves are "sexy" Halloween costumes.  Just another excuse for girls to wear next-to-nothing.  Huffington Post did an article on 13 costumes that have no business being "sexy".  Some of them are pretty funny!!

The best costumes are classy & creative... stay classy ladies!!


11 October 2011

simply irresistable: snickerdoodle cupcakes

“until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with the cupcakes you baked."

[via a farmgirl's dabbles]

it's the time of year for baking now, right?  i made my own version of these little guys a few years ago, just by adding cinnamon to regular vanilla cupcakes, but i'm betting these are loads better.  despite the quirky name, snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies, and the cupcakes are pretty awesome too.  if you try them, let me know what you think!!

for the cupcakes:
1-1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1-1/2 c. cake flour (not self- rising), sifted
1 T. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1-1/2 T. cinnamon
1 c. unsalted butter, at room temperature
1-3/4 c. sugar
4 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tsp. vanilla
1-1/4 c. milk

for the cinnamon-sugar dusting:
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 T. sugar

Preheat oven to 350°. Line standard muffin tins with paper liners and set aside.

Sift together both flours, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.

With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until each is incorporated, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Beat in vanilla. Reduce speed to low. Add flour mixture in three batches, alternating with two additions of milk, and beating until combined after each.

Divide the batter evenly among lined cups, filling each three-quarters full. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Transfer tins to wire racks to cool completely before removing cupcakes.

Mix together the 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 tablespoons sugar in a small bowl for dusting the frosting. Set aside.

Yield: about 28 regular size cupcakes

for the cream cheese frosting:
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 c. unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 c. powdered sugar, sifted

Using an electric mixer, beat together the cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla and cinnamon and beat just to combine.

Slowly add sifted powdered sugar, one cup at a time, beating well after each addition.

Using a pastry bag fitted with a large plain round tip (I used Ateco No. 808), pipe frosting on each cupcake. Immediately finish by dusting the frosting with the cinnamon-sugar mixture.

we are the lucky ones

"autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile."
- william cullen bryant

[georgiannalane via etsy]

here's a little taste of what i'm listening to this week.  mood music for autumn, rainy days, and quiet afternoons.  what i won't tell you is that i'm also listening to the wicked soundtrack (oops, i just did).

glittering cloud
imogen heap

mad world
gary jules

the funeral
band of horses

keep myself awake
black lab

hurricane bells

don't forget to breathe

micro melodies
the album leaf

somewhere only we know

where the fence is low

french exit
the antlers


30 September 2011

Life's A Show

Now that all the craziness of September is winding down, I'm finally feeling a little more relaxed.  I don't think that being that busy suits me all the time.  I enjoy having things to do, but I need my free time.  Matt & I did some work on the garage & house a couple of weeks ago, and although it may not look like it yet, we got a lot done.  Our housing community is having a neighborhood garage sale on October 15th, and we are working on getting things ready for that.  I have a ton of clothes to get rid of.  I might take some of them over to Plato's closet before the garage sale to see if I can get more for them there.

Last week I designed Julie & Johnny's Save-The-Date cards, and I'm really happy with the way they turned out.  Super cute!!

This month has really been about self-discovery & deciding what I want for my future.  About knowing who I am & what I want, and not letting anything stand in the way of that.  I am learning the reason that I think about things a certain way and feel some kind of obligation to do certain things is because of the way I was brought up and the people that I've been around, and that's not necessarily "me".  Those things have to go.

The minimalist attitude that I started to take on earlier this month is spreading into other realms of my life other than just the material world.  There are many, many projects that I have had looming over my head for years... things that I want to do, but not enough to ever get around to.  Well, those are going away.  I'm letting them go so that I can relax, have a clearer mind, and focus on the things that I really care about.  In turn, this helps me get rid of more material things as well.  Win win.

One thing that I decided to take up (that I really care about) is what people call "project 365".  The idea is to take a photo each day for a year, and it is something that I've tried in the past and failed at.  Well, this time I don't intend on failing.  We'll see how it goes.  So far I am really enjoying it.  Getting out my DSLR every day and trying to come up with something interesting to take a photo of is quite a creative challenge.... especially when I'm hoping to use subject matter that is relevant to each day.  I like challenging myself this way, and it's great that I am getting practice with my camera.  The album is here, but I believe you have to be in my G+ circles to view it.

I am really looking forward to this weekend!!  Matt & I are heading down to Balboa Park for his class trip to the Museum of Art.  I am hoping it's a nice, cool day.  Until next time...


07 September 2011

25 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was 18

In light of my 25th birthday today, I decided to put together a little list of some of the things that I've learned over the past 7 years.  Things that I now try to live by.  And while I know that most people need to learn things like this through their own experiences, it may be of use to someone else.... or at least cause them to think.  Here's hoping that in the coming years I learn many more things to live by!!

1: Stay focused on the future, always planning, dreaming & striving for what’s ahead.  When you’re in the habit of focusing on your past memories or current happiness, you tend to get stuck where you’re at.  When you’re focused on the future, you end up changing, growing & learning.  You become more successful, more passionate, and more motivated to do more.

2: True friends are there when you need them, not just when they need you.  It’s rare to find friends like these, and it’s not always easy to be this type of friend to others.

3: Appreciate and savor those gleaming moments of joy in life while you have them.  They are often few and far between.  Life is a balance of pain and joy, grief and happiness.  Pain happens when you care, but so do love and joy.

4: Learn to be happy with what you have.  Put your energy toward doing more instead of having more.

5: Perfection is boring.  Don’t strive for perfection.  Be the best version of “you” that you can be.  “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” -Judy Garland

6: If you are constantly being disappointed and let down by a friend, lower your expectations for that person.  If you don’t expect much from that friend, then you won’t be disappointed.

7: Successful people surround themselves with people who are classy, passionate & driven.  Friends should be mutually inspirational and motivating.

8: Fear can rule your life if you let it.  Don’t.

9: “Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose.”  That doesn’t mean you should love less.  It means you should love more.

10: Less is more.  Simpler is usually better.

11: A lot of trouble would be saved in life if more people would just think.

12: People rarely change, and they never change for someone else.  If they do, it’s because they wanted it badly enough to make it happen.

13: Moderation is key.  Too much or too little of anything can be unhealthy.

14: Difficult situations are best taken as challenges.  Take them head-on and do what you can to achieve personal growth from them.

15: It takes far more than love to make a marriage.  Love is not reason enough in and of itself to make a binding commitment to share your life with another person.

16: It can be tricky to have roommates.  It can potentially ruin friendships, but it can also potentially provide you with a wonderful, unique sense of family.  Put a lot of thought into it before you jump into any new living situation.

17: Do what you say you will do.  Integrity is important.  It goes hand in hand with respect and trust.

18: Actions really do speak louder than words.  Take responsibility for your decisions.  Acknowledge your mistakes, and celebrate your successes.

19: Know your job, and be as efficient at it as you can be.

20: You don’t have to do what you went to school to do in order to love your job and be happy.  Being respected and appreciated by the people you work with contributes more to that than the job itself.  Putting yourself into your work will help you become recognized as a valuable, passionate, driven worker.

21: Try to be forgiving to all people.  If someone hurts you, forgive them.  We all screw up sometimes.  If someone hurts you repeatedly, forgive them but get them out of your life.  Don’t sacrifice your own well-being and allow someone to walk all over you.

22: The best way to remedy a bad argument is to examine yourself in the moment.  Calm yourself down, listen to what the other person is saying, and try to speak in a soft, understanding voice.  9 times out of 10, the other person will respond by doing the same, and you can talk through your issues much more easily.  This can be extremely difficult to do, but it will improve your relationships tremendously.

23: You don’t have to know what career path you want to take right when you start college.  Open your mind to trying many different things, and find what you truly care about.

24: Emotions are powerful, but they should not control your opinions and decisions.  Thinking logically and rationally will help you guide your emotions and learn to respond appropriately in most situations.

25: You will get older. Time is not your friend or your enemy. Continue to live, learn, love, laugh, and you will make the best of it. How you spend your time says more about you than your age.