25 October 2011

i sense there's something in the wind

“pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite,
all are on their rounds tonight;
in the wan moon's silver ray,
thrives their helter-skelter play.”
-joel benton

[raceytay via etsy]

halloween is only a week away now!!  i'm sure everyone is finalizing fun plans for parties, etc.  as for matt & me, we will be spending the day celebrating our 2nd anniversary [& you can be sure there will be tons of delicious food involved]!!  i won't have use for these this year, but here are a few fun adult [as in alcoholic] halloween party goodies +plus some other fun stuff:

who knew tonic was so awesome & could be used to make glowing drinks?!.... as long as you have a black light.

be careful, the drunken gummies might take you down with them.

kah sells their tequila in these awesome skull bottles, which i love!!  totally dia de los muertos-esque.  i may be picking up a couple of the smaller ones.  on that note, crystal head vodka is sold in a.... yep!  crystal head bottle!!

here's a sweet idea for a trick-or-treat minicure.

these halloween candies will completely ruin your appetite.  i love candy, but i can't imagine putting this stuff in my mouth.  like.  ever.

if you still haven't brought home a pumpkin [like me] [fail] and you have a fresh&easy near you, their pumpkins are decent-sized and cost $6 for 2!!

also, fresh&easy makes pumpkin pie cheesecakes as a seasonal dessert... matt & i got one for thanksgiving last year, and it was to-die-for [no pun intended].  we have been checking every week to see if they have them in yet, but so far no dice.  i can't believe they don't have them yet!!  i need to feed my craving!!

have a swankified, scrumdiddlyumptious week!!


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