21 November 2011

seeds & buds: cranberry orange relish

"a shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all."
-carl jung


mmm... thanksgiving is so close now, i can taste it!!  on friday, i started gathering ingredients for my [small, yet important] contribution to thanksgiving dinner.  we bought a bag of 3lbs. of cranberries...  and while i only need 1lb. for my recipe, it was probably still less expensive than buying only 1lb. at a grocery store.  i am actively seeking recipes for cocktails & other treats that call for fresh cranberries, so if you have any ideas, please help!!  not sure what the hell i'm going to do with and extra 2lbs. of cranberries..

it seems like everyone has a different preference when it comes to their cranberries...  this recipe is one that i tried for the first time last year, and i found that matt & i both love it.  it's great spread on your turkey!!  this is not the exact recipe that i use, but it is close enough.  very simple, the way i like 'em.

1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
1 orange
1 cup sugar

Put washed, drained cranberries in a food processor with 1 orange which has been peeled and quartered with all seeds being removed.  Pulse for a few seconds, just until coarsely chopped. Stop and scrape down sides of bowl, if necessary, to chop evenly.  Add 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar and taste adjusting sweetness as desired.  Stir well and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Cranberry Orange Relish may be frozen for up to 2 months.  Makes about 2 1/2 cups.

[source]:  fresh cranberry orange relish from cooks.com


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