15 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: domino motion

"gratitude: it turns what we have into enough."


i just got my invite to pinterest a few days ago, so over the past few days i've been discovering how fun it is!!  it's a great place to organize things & ideas that i find on the interwebs...  i probably went a little crazy pinning things to my boards..  hah.

yesterday i got an email inviting me to the diablo III beta!!  i only got to play a little last night, so today i'm antsy to get back to it.  so far.... vomiting zombies: nasty.  my sexy demon hunter shooting them: beautiful.

[unwin thanksgiving dinner 11.25.11]

preparing holiday food & entertaining guests.  & just food in general.


on my wish list:
origami peace crane ornaments by localcolorist on etsy.  i'd love to see if i can make some of these on my own as well.

what i wish for others:
fun!!  don't hold back from allowing yourself to enjoy life.


for friends who care about us & love spending time with us.


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