14 October 2011

i'm waiting for my moment

“a girl should be two things: classy & fabulous.”
-coco chanel

[rollercoasterflight via flickr]

I'm gearing up for the weekend and our neighborhood garage sale tomorrow morning!!  You know what that means... donuts & making money (a lot we hope)!!

In the spirit of the season, here are some Halloween costume ideas from celebrities.  Fun to see them dressed up!!

InStyle Costume Ideas

BuzzSugar Pop Culture Costumes

Here are a few other costume ideas that I thought were creative.


Little Miss Sunshine

Lieutenant Uhura

And here's one I couldn't resist sharing.... Sarah Michelle Gellar's little girl as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz last Halloween.

[via celebritybabyscoop]

One of my biggest pet peeves are "sexy" Halloween costumes.  Just another excuse for girls to wear next-to-nothing.  Huffington Post did an article on 13 costumes that have no business being "sexy".  Some of them are pretty funny!!

The best costumes are classy & creative... stay classy ladies!!


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