17 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: to hold you now

"to lead a better life, i need my love to be here."
-the beatles


i miss baking!!  which is why i am so excited that my friend is coming over on saturday to do a little baking with me!!  there have been so many times that i've thought about whipping something tasty up, but every time i decide against it... because if i make it, then i'll eat it.  & i'll probably eat too much of it.  & then i'll feel like a fatso.  SO now i have an excuse to bake, spend time with my friend, and share whatever treat we make with the boys, leaving less for me to stuff my face with.  win, win, win.


music & all the ways that it affects us & connects us.


on my wishlist:
a day to relax, catch up, & just breathe.  a spa day.  maybe more sleep too.  i like sleep.

what i wish for others:
to have a spirit of kindness, generosity, & love.


for good health.  of the body & of the mind.


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