02 December 2011

that melody i love

"no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."


matt & i had a kick-ass thanksgiving up in dana point!!  seriously such a good time.  the next day, i pulled out the christmas decorations.  i love it.  i think my favorite part about decorating this time of year is the lights.  they are so beautiful.  i wish we had more to put up in our house!!  this week i finally received my romantic star projector in the mail... i had no idea that it would be quite the little project to put together [i guess i totally diregarded the "DIY" part], but i think that when i get it done it will really set the mood.

i'm not usually real big on listening to the classic christmas tunes... but i put together a little playlist of what i do like, and what i'm listening to lately to get in the spirit.  i hope you enjoy it!!

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