05 August 2011


Hello, August!!  What a week... another busy one!  I think we've had people at the house every day this week except for last night.  I'm so glad we've gotten to hang out with our friends, especially Bud while he's in town.  I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Cat lately too, and we're having a great time talking about wedding plans!!  Matt & I had a nice time on our date night alone last night though.  We went to see Cowboys & Aliens with the movie tickets we had forgotten that we bought on Fandango.  The movie was excellent.  I loved it, and I can't wait until we can buy it and watch it again on bluray.  Way to go, Favreau!!  I definitely recommend that one, and I'm thrilled that we got to see it in the theatre!

Matt has been working hard at posting videos to youtube, and this week he posted the Sanctum videos that we recorded on Sunday.  They were really fun to put together, and surprisingly simple!!  It's obvious that I'm a little uncomfortable in the first couple because I don't have much to say, but as we went on I relaxed more.  I think they ended up being pretty entertaining regardless, and I'm looking forward to doing more videos with Matt.  The next game that we have in mind to play together is Lead & Gold.

My birthday is only about a month away now...... seriously, where does the time go?!  I will be 25...  Can't believe it's almost been two years since Matt & I were married either.  Two years that have been the best years of my life.  We've changed and grown so much since then.  Makes me wonder what we'll be like in the next two years.  I'm sure that a future more wonderful than today is waiting.


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