22 August 2011

Make A Battle Plan

The past couple weeks have been strange.  Life is strange.  Sometimes things change so suddenly.  It's hard to keep up.

Last week my mother-in-law wound up in the hospital.  It was stressful last week worrying about whether or not she was alright and waiting to hear back on test results.  I felt so bad for her being stuck in that hospital for several days.  It turns out that she is alright, and she is home now.  Hopefully she won't ever have to experience that again.  I'm not going to go into detail out of respect for her privacy.

On Saturday, I found out that my friend of 10+ years is moving to New York.  Next month!!  I still can't believe it.  It's like the end of an era.  I'm happy for her though because it's such a cool opportunity!  I would  love to be able to live in the city too.  I know that was always a dream that we both shared.  At least I can look forward to going to visit her on our next trip out to the east coast!!

Weekend before last, Matt & I went out to a couple of places to shoot some photos and get practice for taking Jared & Cat's engagement photos.  Matt taught me a few things to help me control my settings better.  He took a bunch of photos of me for my 25th Birthday.  I think they turned out really great!!  Yesterday, I had Ally over to go shoot some photos with me as well.  I thought it would be a good chance to get some more practice.  We got a few good ones, but I think we're going to go out again soon to get some more.  It went well, but I learned a couple things that I want to change so that my photos come out better next time.

A lot going on!!  Matt is starting classes next week already!  And Ally is going to be leaving for England in less than a month!  Holy crap.  Everyone's leaving!!  It will be really nice when we can get out of Escondido too.  For now, I'm just happy that Matt is able to go to school.  Let's keep moving... onto Fall!!!


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