13 May 2011

The Night Started Then

(The post formerly known as "The Night Starts Now". Thanks, Blogger, for making me look bad..../ like I skipped out on my favorite blog day or something!!)

Three things... Let's get right to it. No time to waste../ I have season finales to watch!!

01: Kinaly Thai

Specifically the pad kee mao, chicken satay, tom yum soup, curry..../.. Oh hell, it's all amazing! We had pad kee mao and green curry last night for dinner. Just can't get enough!! This has been our fav Thai place for years- Lee is the best!!!!

02: Buff Monster

This is an artist I just discovered today, and I'm thrilled! This work is so unique and feels so ...//me.

03: Donuts

Ya know.. sometimes you just need a donut. These things are our guilty pleasure. Man/... Now that I have been looking at all these donut pictures.. I want one!!  Pederson's is usually our go-to donut place since it's open 24 hours, and we always get our cravings late at night, haha.

I will update and all that later. Nooottttt eeennnnooouuuggghhh tttiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee............./


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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