29 March 2011

Three Things Tuesday

I was inspired by Christin Joy to kick off "Three Things Tuesday"!!  I'm not sure why she started it or where she got the idea from, but it sounds like fun to me.  :)

01:  I'm all about the edamame.

It's so delicious!!  Matt & I have been eating edamame like crazy lately, and we don't feel bad about it at all!  It's a super healthy veggie packed with protein, fiber, iron, isoflavones & other good stuff.  Apparently, it's considered a fat-burning food because of its protein content.  Your body uses more energy to digest protein that it does to digest fat.

When you donate $45 dollars to Invisible Children through the site, you receive this necklace.  Beautiful necklace.  Great cause.  Now if we could only motivate people to give more without bribing them.... Still, I wish I could afford to donate at all.  We recently finished the series Veronica Mars, and we were happily surprised when they promoted Invisible Children in one of the episodes in the 3rd season.

This was released today!!  So excite!  (Side-note: Joss Whedon is my hero!)

Annnnndddd........ that concludes our Three Things Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. yay!! i'm excited to read and to have inspired you to join in the three things fun. i got the idea from a friend who does the same thing. its so fun! and it can be challenging too. love you!
