09 December 2011

under wings of gold & silver

"we are no more than candles burning in the wind."
-japanese proverb


so as of wednesday, i have finally seen all 3 of the austin powers movies... & i believe what i told matt is how i can't believe i missed out on these movies for so long!!  they are so hilarious!!  why didn't anyone make me watch them, ya know, when they were new?  anyway, if you catch me quoting austin powers...// well, don't be surprised because it's all new to me, baby.

here are some groovy links that i've been digging.

familiar with the bokeh effect that seems to be becoming so popular recently [the photo above is an example]?  well if you're looking to have a little fun with that yourself & you aren't too savvy with a dslr, here is a simple photoshop tutorial to apply the effect to your own photos.  tested & approved.

& for those who are good with a camera, here is another bokeh tutorial to get cute little hearts for your effect.

i think i owned every single thing on this list of nostalgic stocking stuffers for '90s girls.  although, i don't think i'd care to find any of them in my stocking now..

looking to have a break from all the holiday junk food and simultaneously do something nice for your skin [& mind & body in general]?  here are 7 foods to combat the winter dull.  yum!!  feel good food.

don't get tricked into eating things that aren't actually as healthy as they'd like you to believe: 5 foods you thought were healthy but aren't.

here are 5 doctors from history who put house to shame from cracked.com.....  amazing, but house is still my favorite.

NASA has found an earth-like planet that may be capable of supporting human life!!  awesome!!

these photos of fall colors from japan are breath-taking.  as are these photos of wisterias in kawachi fuji garden in japan.

& because christmas is just a couple of weeks away now, here is another cracked.com article of unintentionally disturbing christmas ads that's worth a few laughs.

as a very special gift, i also got you this cute.



06 December 2011

illumination: winter white sangria

"i find it hard to believe you don't know the beauty you are. but if you don't, let me be your eyes."
-velvet underground


i can't wait to make this!!  seems like the perfect little addition to our christmas celebration.  and can you believe i have a sangria set that i got two years ago that has never been used?!  for shame!!  i love sangria.  the sangria set needs some love.  i feel like maybe i should test out this recipe for myself before i serve it to guests on christmas day..  yes?

White Sangria with Pomegranate:

1 bottle white wine
3 cans 7up or Sprite
Grand Marnier (I didn’t measure, a few ounces I think)
Seeds of 1 pomegranate
Slices of two limes

Pour all ingredients into a punch bowl. Wait for the seeds to float.



02 December 2011

that melody i love

"no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."


matt & i had a kick-ass thanksgiving up in dana point!!  seriously such a good time.  the next day, i pulled out the christmas decorations.  i love it.  i think my favorite part about decorating this time of year is the lights.  they are so beautiful.  i wish we had more to put up in our house!!  this week i finally received my romantic star projector in the mail... i had no idea that it would be quite the little project to put together [i guess i totally diregarded the "DIY" part], but i think that when i get it done it will really set the mood.

i'm not usually real big on listening to the classic christmas tunes... but i put together a little playlist of what i do like, and what i'm listening to lately to get in the spirit.  i hope you enjoy it!!

24 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: stars & clouds

"nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart."


happy thanksgiving!!  we're off to dana point.  have a wonderful day full of food, family & friends!!


the interwebs.  please support net neutrality so that we can continue to enjoy the internet the way that we do now.


on my wish list:
snow.  wouldn't that be beautiful.

what i wish for others:
a joy-filled day & sweet dreams of upcoming holidays & the new year.


for family & being together.


22 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: what does the future hold

"when the bold branches bid farewell to rainbow leaves - welcome wool sweaters."


we're going to see jay & silent bob get old at the belly up tonight with armand & nikki!!  i'm so excited.  it should be really fun.  love kevin smith & jason mewes!!

matt & i picked up the legend of zelda: skyward sword first thing sunday morning, and i have been watching while matt plays through it.  it is so gorgeous!!  omg.. i am in love with all of the art, characters, & story.  totally thrilling.  we were just disappointed that there wasn't more hype about the game release.  fantastic game + 25th anniversary of zelda = no one cares?!  really??  anyway, zelda seems to have really stepped it up in this game...  she doesn't seem like so much of a helpless princess, which i appreciate because i enjoy strong female characters.

two days until thanksgiving....  is all of your shopping done?


our little family.  our kitty-babies.  & miss our little tobi.


on my wish list:
bangles & other jewelry from tinyarmour.  so pretty.

what i wish for others:
"go for it now.  the future is promised to no one."  -wayne dyer


for all of life's comforts, which i too often take for granted.


21 November 2011

seeds & buds: cranberry orange relish

"a shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all."
-carl jung


mmm... thanksgiving is so close now, i can taste it!!  on friday, i started gathering ingredients for my [small, yet important] contribution to thanksgiving dinner.  we bought a bag of 3lbs. of cranberries...  and while i only need 1lb. for my recipe, it was probably still less expensive than buying only 1lb. at a grocery store.  i am actively seeking recipes for cocktails & other treats that call for fresh cranberries, so if you have any ideas, please help!!  not sure what the hell i'm going to do with and extra 2lbs. of cranberries..

it seems like everyone has a different preference when it comes to their cranberries...  this recipe is one that i tried for the first time last year, and i found that matt & i both love it.  it's great spread on your turkey!!  this is not the exact recipe that i use, but it is close enough.  very simple, the way i like 'em.

1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
1 orange
1 cup sugar

Put washed, drained cranberries in a food processor with 1 orange which has been peeled and quartered with all seeds being removed.  Pulse for a few seconds, just until coarsely chopped. Stop and scrape down sides of bowl, if necessary, to chop evenly.  Add 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar and taste adjusting sweetness as desired.  Stir well and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Cranberry Orange Relish may be frozen for up to 2 months.  Makes about 2 1/2 cups.

[source]:  fresh cranberry orange relish from cooks.com


17 November 2011

love + wish + thanks: to hold you now

"to lead a better life, i need my love to be here."
-the beatles


i miss baking!!  which is why i am so excited that my friend is coming over on saturday to do a little baking with me!!  there have been so many times that i've thought about whipping something tasty up, but every time i decide against it... because if i make it, then i'll eat it.  & i'll probably eat too much of it.  & then i'll feel like a fatso.  SO now i have an excuse to bake, spend time with my friend, and share whatever treat we make with the boys, leaving less for me to stuff my face with.  win, win, win.


music & all the ways that it affects us & connects us.


on my wishlist:
a day to relax, catch up, & just breathe.  a spa day.  maybe more sleep too.  i like sleep.

what i wish for others:
to have a spirit of kindness, generosity, & love.


for good health.  of the body & of the mind.
