30 July 2011

Steel Her Heart

Every year at about this time, I start to long for the cold, crisp fall weather desperately.  I don't think it's because it's so hot, although that could be reason enough in and of itself.  Autumn is my favorite time of year... the colors, the feel, warm sweaters, hot tea & coffee, the smell of cinnamon, apples & pumpkins, cozying up with a blanket & a kitty on my lap...... I could go on.  I love it.  And right now I miss it.  And I miss the east coast.  I'm dying to take a vacation back there again.  I can't believe it has already been almost two years.  Two years too long!!

This week was pretty nice.  We got to spend time with a lot of friends.  We went to get Thai food with my aunt & uncle while they were visiting from Colorado.  It was a really good time!!  Great food, and afterwards we went next door to the asian market to help them shop for a few things to make some tasty thai dishes.  I tried a lychee fruit for the first time.  It was good!!  It has sort of a sweet, melon taste to it, but it has a layered texture kind of like an onion.  We also found that the asian market has a lot more fresh produce than the other one that we'd been going to, so we will probably be shopping there from now on.

I started reading a book this week.... finally!!  It's been wayyyy too long since I've read, and guess what I found out... I really miss reading!!  Matt has been begging me to read Horus Rising, the first book in the Horus Heresy for years now.  I had started it and read a couple of chapters before we got married, but after that I gave up.  Until now.  So far I'm really into it!!  Very good writing.  I have a huge list of books that I would like to read, including the Harry Potter series, so I figured this was as good a place to start as any.

This weekend is pretty chill, which is good because I was feeling sick towards the end of the week, and I think I could really use some rest.  Tomorrow I think I may be recording a Sanctum video with Matt.  Sanctum is a tower defense/fps game that we've had a lot of fun with.  It should be fun to be part of what Matt has been up to on youtube.

Happy weekend to all!!  I can't believe it's already August on Monday!  Getting closer & closer to my birthday......


27 July 2011

You And Me

One of the many reasons I love my husband.  <3 xo

Living In Twilight

Yay for a new layout & a new outlook!!  Ahhh... I love the simplicity of it.  I get way too excited about making things look good.  Moving right along....

I have abandoned my blog for the past 5 or 6 weeks, and I decided that needed to change.  I was really enjoying it for a while, but I think that I was actually pressuring myself into updating it too much..... and then I unintentionally gave up.  So I'm back because I want to continue doing what I enjoy & motivating myself, but I'm going to try not to overdo it this time..  If ya know what I mean.

I have been in a very crafty mood lately... as in, I have a lot of ideas for things to make myself, and I've been in the mood to follow through and attempt to make them.  I have never really learned how to sew.  In fact, I first learned to sew a button in a multi-cultural fashion class at Palomar College.  And for awhile that was all I knew how to do.  I remember using the sewing machine a bit when I was younger, but I'm a little fuzzy on that now, and I don't own a sewing machine anyway.  For that reason, I set my mind to learning some basic hand stitches.  I found some videos on youtube, and I was surprised at the simplicity of the stitches.  I wanted to add some lining to the inside of the hood of one of my jackets, so went through some of my old clothes and chose the fabric that I wanted to use.  Not knowing quite the correct way to begin, I just kind of went for it and used common sense to figure out the best way to get it done.

It took longer than I expected (hand stitching is slow!!  .. at least for me...), but I was shocked when I finished and everything came out the way that I hoped it would.  I think it was totally worth the time and effort, especially since I have such a huge appreciation for things that are handmade, unique and personalized.  I really love how it turned out.  It's not perfect.... if you look closely enough at the stitches, they aren't really that even, but that makes it all the more special and personal to me.  Very wabi sabi.  Now the last test will be to see how it fairs in the wash!!

I have collected some ideas and tutorials for more little projects that I want to try, and I will try to post them on here as I go.

I love this article that I read today about daily habits to ignite your passion.  This was one of the reasons that I had the thought to come back to my blog again.  Matt & I were actually having a discussion about these things exactly last night, and I thought it was quite a coincidence that I discovered the article today.  Read it if you get a chance, and take what you can/will from it.  I think these habits are essential to achieving fulfillment and enjoyment in life.  Of course, there are several things there that I would like to work on myself.

Now it's time to relax for the night!!
